
Transforming lives forever

  We are a team of ambitious investment professionals operating in the UK. 

ARECA CORPORATION is a growing private Mergers and Acquisition firm with a dedicated team of individuals buying businesses / SME’s around the world. Our clear and proven investment strategy involves: driving growth within small medium enterprises and mid-market through internationalisation. We have a track record in buying in key sectors of Small Medium Enterprises.

ARECA CORPORATION has a proven ability to create deal flow, thanks to our extensive internal deal and research team, formed with committed investment professionals, supported by a unique Executive Network. 

We are building an institution that will last beyond our individual desires, goals and short term gains; which is why we have unparalleled duty to our clients/partners.


If you are looking to sell your business because you want to retire, have an unforeseen tragedy in your health, have no succession plan in place or for any other reason; we are ready to have a conversation with you to potentially buy your business.

If you are a business broker or an advisor we will also work with you.


Contact us to book in a discovery call with one of our managing partners.

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  We are a team of responsible investment professionals ready to complete on the sale of your business efficiently

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